What exactly is an orb you ask? Well, its not really something you can stick a definition to, so instead I will try to help you visualize it. First, stare at a lightbulb, for say, 20 seconds or so. Next close your eyes, squeeze them shut. Hopefully you can see a circle of light. If not you may want to instead try traveling to another realm and ascend with Archangels Zadkiel and Raphael, where they will guide you through a galaxy of orbs. This cd has proven wonders. Ascension Through Orbs Meditations. If you still have not found success, you can always google image it. The internet never fails. I'll post one of my favorite pics at the bottom, take a look.
Now don't let your mind trick you into thinking the picture is just a close-up of dust, because it most definitely isn't! This here is inexplainable, yet so mystical! Some believe they are spirits. Perhaps they are sphere's of energy. Whatever you choose to believe, they are tons of fun to hunt. The best hunting time is generally at night, as this is when they are most visible. They also seem to be attracted to positive energy. They love to party! All you need to carry is a digital camera. It doesn't matter what kind, you just need to have the skills to capture them. Take a look at some of your past pictures, I'm sure you'll find some orbs. I wish you the best of luck with your orb-hunting! Perhaps one day, someone will go orb hunting for you.
Orbs! I wonder if they're related? |
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